Nourishing and Empowering Lives Together
Dear Friends,
With immense pride and gratitude, we present the Annual Report for South County Outreach, reflecting the extraordinary impact we collectively achieved throughout the past year. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our donors, volunteers, and community members, who have played a vital role in supporting our vision of providing more than food, but also self-sufficiency, respect, and dignity to those in need.
With your unwavering support, we were able to serve a total of 6,704 individuals through our food and housing programs. This includes 284 households that found relief and stability thanks to our rental/utilities assistance program, allowing them to maintain secure and comfortable living conditions.
In 2022, we distributed an astonishing 827,485 pounds of food through our food pantry. This accomplishment, made possible through the dedication and generosity of our community partners like Second Harvest Food Bank, corporate partners, grocery rescue and more, speaks volumes about our collective commitment to eradicating hunger. Our newly revitalized Education program offered educational resources and coaching to give participants the skills needed to take control of their financial futures. By investing in their long-term success, we create a pathway towards a brighter future—one that is built on resilience, dignity, and opportunity.
None of this would have been possible without the invaluable contributions of our volunteers. We are grateful for the service from 1,185 individuals who devoted 27,358 hours in our food pantry, administrative office, and thrift store to support our cause. The introduction of the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program provided South County Outreach additional support, as we hosted 18 College Corps Fellows during the first cohort starting in 2022. These exceptional students from partner campuses like Irvine Valley College and Concordia University Irvine committed themselves to engaging in 450 hours of direct service in crucial areas, including Food Insecurity. The time, energy, and passion of our volunteers have not only nourished individuals but have also fostered a sense of community and created lasting change.
Last year, we also had the joy of hosting our first post-pandemic event—Empty Bowls – that resonated deeply with our community. Empty Bowls was a resounding success, selling out and raising crucial funds to support our efforts in hunger and homelessness prevention.
Our Upscale Resale store, a cornerstone of support for our mission, experienced a remarkable 20% increase in revenue in 2022. Every dollar generated from the store directly contributes to our hunger and homelessness prevention endeavors. Our outreach and collaboration efforts have been nothing short of exceptional. We have partnered with over 300 local organizations, businesses, foundations, schools, and community groups. Together, we form a united front against hunger and homelessness.
As we embark on the upcoming year, we invite each of you to join us once again in making a meaningful impact. Your continued support, whether through donations, volunteerism, or advocacy, will enable us to expand our reach in Orange County and beyond. Together as a community, we can address the root causes of hunger and work towards a future where no one goes to bed hungry.

LaVal Brewer
President & CEO

Brian Farrell
Chair, Board of Directors
2022 Recap:
More Than Food and More Lasting Impact
Clients by City


Community in Need
More Than Food
Nutritious food is essential to wellbeing, and feeding someone is somewhat easy, but providing them with the right nutrition to thrive is a whole different challenge. We, at South County Outreach, firmly believe that nutritious food is the foundation of a healthy and fulfilling life.
For those experiencing financial hardships, access to proper nutrition often becomes a luxury they can ill-afford. And quite often, the free food system has very low nutritional value incorporated into it. So, when children go to bed hungry, they can’t stay focused during school. Or when a parent skips a few meals to feed the rest of their family, he or she can’t perform at work, and that puts their jobs in danger.
Food and nutritional insecurity is not a supply problem – it’s an access problem. South County Outreach is committed to break-ing the cycle of food insecurity and its associated challenges. We recognize that the well-being of an individual is interconnected with the well-being of the community. Therefore, our approach is centered on providing MORE THAN FOOD.

What makes our pantry different?
What is providing MORE THAN FOOD?

Click Here to see more of our work in action from 2022.
People who seek help from a food pantry generally need more than just food. There are things happening in their lives that are creating insecurity and instability. And while the people who come to our pantry are trying to address an immediate need, South County Outreach’s approach is to better understand our clients, what is bringing them to us, and how to fill the greater need. Our goal is to empower individuals and families with the tools and resources they need to regain stability and self-sufficiency.
Join us in our mission to bring nutritious food to those who need it most. Your continued support will help us extend our reach and positively impact the lives of even more families in Orange County. Together, we can make a difference that lasts a lifetime.