SCO Celebrates National Nonprofit Day – 8/17/23

August 17, 2023|

As National Nonprofit Day rolls around, we can't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the incredible community that stands beside us. We are South County Outreach (SCO), your partners in turning dreams into reality. For years, we've been [Read More]

PBS Special: America’s Heartland Feature – 8/7/23

August 7, 2023|

We are so proud to have partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County on the upcoming episode of America’s Heartland, airing on PBS this summer! Check out our segment, “Solution for Urban Agriculture” and learn how working together [Read More]

LA Times B2B – 2023 CEO Visionaries LaVal Brewer

August 2, 2023|

Congratulations to LaVal Brewer President & CEO of South County Outreach, for being named one of the 2023 CEO Visionaries in Southern California by L.A. Times B2B Publishing! Your vision and leadership has made an incredible impact on all we [Read More]

Upscale Resale – New Summer Hours Starting August 2023

August 1, 2023|

Exciting news! SCO's Upscale Resale Thrift Store is introducing new Summer Hours starting this August. Please note, we will be closed on Sundays and Mondays. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

SCO Spring Newsletter 2023

July 13, 2023|

Our Spring Newsletter is here, and we're excited to share the success we've had at this year’s Empty Bowls, our Upscale Resale thrift store, and our volunteer groups. Check out what South County Outreach has been up to this past [Read More]

CLOSURE NOTICE: July 4th Holiday

June 28, 2023|

NOTICE: Special Holiday Hours and Closure South County Outreach office and pantry will be closed to commemorate Independence Day on Tuesday, July 4th, 2023. We will also have shortened hours on Monday, July 3rd, 2023 from 9 am - 12 [Read More]

Upscale Resale on KTTV Good Day LA 5/11/2023

May 11, 2023| Thank you to KTTV Fox 11 Good Day LA for featuring Upscale Resale on this morning's program. Amanda Salas joined LaVal Brewer, President & CEO of South County Outreach, and Bunni Ickes, Manger at Upscale Resale, for a [Read More]